“सा विद्या या विमुक्तये”
Barshi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Shriman Bhausaheb Zadbuke Mahavidyalaya, Barshi

Zadbuke Marg, Latur Road, Barshi, Dist - Solapur, Maharastra, India - 413401
Office : 02184-222566 E-mail : principalsbzmb@rediffmail.com Website : sbzmb.org

BBA Merit List Download Or View PDF BCA Merit List Download Or View PDF Merit List Schedule Download Or View PDF One day workshop on Intellectual Property Rights -2023 on 19 Jan. 2023 at 01.00pm Download Or View PDF Marathi Bhasha Sanvardhan Pandharvada on 14 Jan. to 28 Jan. 2023 Download Or View PDF Workshop on POCSO Act. and Victims of Acid Attacks on 27 Dec. 2022 at 09.30 am Download Or View PDF Blood Donation Camp on 12 Dec. 2022 at 10.00am Download Or View PDF One day workshop on Quality Parameters in Assessment and Accreditation of College on 07 Dec. 2022 at 09.30 am Download Or View PDF Welcome to SHRIMAN BHAUSAHEB ZADBUKE MAHAVIDYALAYA, BARSHI.

principal's desk

From Principal’s Desk…
Shriman Bhausaheb Zadbuke Mahavidyalaya, has the great legacy of the dynamic leadership of Honourable Bhausaheb Zadbuke, the founder and the patron of the charity done to the humanity. His zeal for the of poor and deprived sections of the society; his concern towards the untouchable, rural and rustic families, his sensitivity towards the mill workers, poor labourers, drought-prone farmers with dry and a non-irrigated land, where the fight was for bread and butter, his revolutionary thoughts and vision materialized the higher education institution.
In the last half century, the institution has done miraculous work keeping in view the motto of the institution “सा विद्या या विमुक्तये”. The institution has created, moulded and shaped the lives of thousands of students. The great intellectual, emotional and social development has been shining brightly in the different parts of the world through our messengers of knowledge, skills, wisdom and culture.
The institution is committed to the quality education to meet the needs of the society. Touching upon the dynamic needs of the society, the institution introduces the need-based courses in the form of Add-on and Value-added Courses. There have been constant efforts in implementing Teaching-Learning-Evaluation practices smoothly, effectively and creatively. Apart from these regular practices, the college avails the varied curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular, extension and outreach platforms for the students for their natural but enhanced growth and development. It is believed that the participative governance, effective coordination and timely reporting make an institution grow.
The Vision and Mission of the institution is meticulously and minutely observed through variety of practices, activities and programmes on and off the campus. We have been practising through variety of activities, the innovation, and compassion towards life, education and society to create great leaderships. We are proud to see it reflected through the pages of history of the college.
The leaderships in politics, administration, society, service sectors, defence, sports, agriculture, academics, research, mobilization, technology, industry, mass communication, community development, law etc. have been evident in the society as well as on record. It reflects the vision and mission of the institution stamp-marked on the lives of the students of the institution.
We are committed to continue the same spirit in our mission in future. We are bound by the good culture of the institution which has been set up for the betterment and the welfare of the society. We are fully focused on bringing in the main stream the first-generation learners. This challenge, the institution, has accepted as an opportunity. We have promised ourselves to give justice to the prime objective of the higher education by adhering to the motto, logo, vision, mission and our identity as a ZIP (Zadbuke Institutes of Perfection).

I/c Principal,
Dr M B Gadekar